Thursday, 10 November 2011

Allan Tan Lian Heng a bastard and worse than Devil!

This guy above is a real Bitch! he is Allan Tan Lian Heng. nickname a.k.a Beast! He is cruel and far2 worse than an animal. Cheating even his own family. His son and generation will be the same.


  1. Yes. I agree. He is a bastard and a fucking bitch. I hope he go to hell. Always cheating people and doesnt want to work. He is also a beggar now!

  2. How to describe him further? He is everything negative and evil. I can't think of anything better. He is indeed a beast. a bastard. a con man and Singapore most wanted man. Allan Tan Lian Heng! Should nick name: Allan Tan con man. He disgrace Singaporean! He is an animal with no heart.
